Do Revenue Management Platforms Like RealPage Facilitate Illegal Algorithmic Collusion?, Promarket (April 2024)

Large Corporate Homeownership and Housing Prices

by The Buzz (May 2024)

TI’s Calculator Monopoly Offers Lessons for Educators in the Age of Generative AI, Promarket (April 2024) (with Eli Orbach)

AI Adaptation: A Primer for Corporate Directors, AI21 Labs White Paper (Nov. 2023) (with Shanen Boettcher & Ofir Zan)

Do Antitrust Enforcers Know They Induce Shrinkflation?, Promarket (August 18, 2023)

The Neo-Brandeisians Are Wrong About Greedflation, Promarket (June 28, 2023)

Policy Realignment and Competition in Attention Markets, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement (2023)

The Friction Paradox: Intermediaries, Competition, and Efficiency, 68 Antitrust Bulletin 234 (2023)

Do Antitrust Disruptors Make Good Reformers?, 20 Berkeley Business Law Journal 118 (2023)

Mandated Neutrality, Platforms, and Ecosystems, in Research Handbook on Abuse of Dominance and Monopolization 359 (Pinar Akman et al. eds., 2023)

Middlemen Forever: Competition and Opportunism in the Digital Economy, Concurrences N° 4-2021 (Nov. 2021) 30

How America Turns Competitors Into Colleagues, The Regulatory Review (May 18, 2021)

Technological Change and Managerial Challenges in the Movie Theater Industry, 45 Journal of Cultural Economics 239 (2021) (with Charles Weinberg, Cord Otten, Jordi McKenzie, Ricard Gil, Darlene Chisholm & Suman Basuroy)

Anything, Anytime, Anywhere: Is Antitrust Ready for Flexible Market Arrangements?, 20(5) Antitrust Source 1 (2021)

The Fight of the Century: On the Exploitation of Social Divides, 14 NYU Journal of Law & Liberty 163 (2020)

Antitrust in the Shadow of Market Disruptions, 34(3) Antitrust 32 (2020)

On the COVID-19 Vaccine Corporate Pledge, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance (Sept. 10, 2020)
Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Antitrust Risks Faced By Companies and Executives?, Salzburg Questions for Corporate Governance (Sept. 23, 2020)

The Paramount Decrees: Lessons for the Future, 19(5) Antitrust Source 1 (Apr. 2020)

D&O Liability for Antitrust Violations, 59 Santa Clara Law Review 527 (2020)

The Consumer Welfare Controversy, 60 CPI Antitrust Chronicle (November 2019), pp. 22-29

Interstate Circuit and Conspiracy Theories, 2019 University of Illinois Law Review 1447 (2019)

Teaching Materials: Materials for antitrust professors and students

The Present New Antitrust Era, 60 William & Mary Law Review 1439 (2019)

Con Men and Their Enablers: The Anatomy of Confidence Games, 85 Social Research 795 (2018) (with Lindsey Huang)

Antitrust Populism, 14 NYU Journal of Law & Business 1 (2017)

Hub-and-Spoke Conspiracies, 15 Antitrust Source 1 (2016)

Scamming: The Misunderstood Confidence Man, 27 Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 249 (2015) (with Jean Braucher)

Antitrust Stare Decisis, 15 Antitrust Source 249 (October 2015)

The Durability of Formalism in Antitrust, 100 Iowa Law Review 2197 (2015)

A State of Inaction: Regulatory Preferences, Rent, and Income Inequality, 16 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 45 (2015)

Was the Crisis in Antitrust a Trojan Horse?, 79 Antitrust Law Journal 881 (2014)

How Antitrust Lost Its Goal, 81 Fordham Law Review 2253 (2013)

What Is Government Failure?, 30 Yale Journal on Regulation Online 44 (2013)

What Is Regulation?, 30 Yale Journal on Regulation Online 1 (2012)

Regulation: Why and How the State Regulates (Foundation Press, 2012)

The Antitrust Curse of Bigness, 85 Southern California Law Review 605 (2012) (with Grace Campbell Rebling)

The Antitrust Consumer Welfare Paradox, 7 Journal of Competition Law & Economics 133 (2011)
Reprinted: The Library of Essays on Antitrust and Competition Law 1: 1-32 (Farham, UK: Ashgate Publishing, Rosa Greaves ed. 2012)

Arming States’ Rights: Federalism, Private Lawmakers, and the Battering Ram Strategy, 52 Arizona Law Review 1161 (2010) (with Kathleen Callahan and Lisa Lindemenn)

The Johnson-Jeffries Fight and Censorship of Black Supremacy, 5 NYU Journal of Law & Liberty 270 (2010)

Translated & Reprinted: El Combate del Siglo (Gallo Nero: Donatella Iannuzzi ed., 2011) (Spanish translation published with translated works of Jack London)

Prizefighting and the Birth of Movie Censorship, 21 Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 251 (2009)

Micro-Motives for State and Local Climate Change Initiatives, 2 Harvard Law & Policy Review 119 (2008) (with Kirsten Engel)

מטרות דיני ההגבלים העסקיים: הלכה למעשה

The Goals of Competition Law: Theory and Practice, in Economic Foundations of Competition Law 63 (Michal Gal and Menachem Perlman eds., 2008) (in Hebrew)

Antitrust Vertical Myopia: The Allure of High Prices, 50 Arizona Law Review 261 (2008)

Uniform Prices for Differentiated Goods: The Case of the Movie-Theater Industry, 27 International Review of Law & Economics 129 (2007) (with Liran Einav)

Antitrust and Pricing in the Motion Picture Industry, 21 Yale Journal on Regulation 317 (2004)

The Durapolist Puzzle: Monopoly Power in Durable-Goods Markets, 21 Yale Journal on Regulation 67 (2004)

Barak Orbach